Take Vedic Art Courses in August

Take Vedic Art Courses in August

Gunnar Strandh

I am a Vedic Art teacher, trained by Curt Källman since 1992. I hold courses in Sweden, Belgium, The Netherlands, Norway and Finland in both English and Swedish.

Foundation Course, Continuation Course, Thematic Course, Advanced Course, Drawing, Space Course, Vedangas Introduction, Vedangas Advanced, Teacher Training Level A, Teacher Training Level B, Teacher Training Advanced, Deepening Course for Teachers, Teacher Training Vedangas.

Älmhult, Sweden
August 9-13 2023

Teacher Training 6 Vedangas

The course will be taught in both English and Swedish.
Kursen kommer att hållas på både svenska och engelska.

This Teacher Training gives the authorization to hold the Vedangas Introductory course and the Vedangas Advanced course with a more extensive programme.

Denna lärarutbildning ger behörighet att hålla Vedangas introduktionskurs och Vedangas fortsättningskurs med ett mer omfattande program.

The course includes the concepts of Expression, Omniscience, Transformation, Measuring, Self-Referencing and Expansion. The course content is deepened in relation to life, art and the 17 principles. Vedangas is knowledge from the holistic Vedic philosophy where the principles are structured.

Place: Rönneboda Gård 2, 34397 Älmhult (Sweden). See the map below.

Times: 10:00 – 16:00 (ateljé opens 9:30)

Prerequisite: Teacher Training level A and B plus followed two courses for Vedangas.

For information and application email: gunnar.strandh@vedicart.net

Book your place on the course and we will send you the detailed information.

Price: 7000 SEK for private individuals (for companies 8750 SEK invoiced with VAT or 7000 SEK reverse charged).

We offer free coffee, tea and cookies. Bring your own lunch.

!!! Bring your own painting material that you want to use. We have easels, tables and chairs for you.

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Älmhult, Sweden
August 25-27 2023

Essence of Teaching Vedic Art

The course will be taught in both English and Swedish.
Kursen kommer att hållas på både svenska och engelska.

Deepening course for teachers where we go deeper into each principle and also Curt Källmans philosophy over teaching and forwarding the tradition

Fördjupningskurs för lärare där vi går djupare in på varje princip och även Curt Källmans filosofi över att undervisa och föra traditionen vidare.

Place: Rönneboda Gård 2, 34397 Älmhult (Sweden). See the map below.

Times: 10:00 – 16:00 (ateljé opens 9:30)

Prerequisite: Teacher Training level A and B.

For information and application email: gunnar.strandh@vedicart.net

Book your place on the course and we will send you the detailed information.

Price: 4500 SEK for private individuals (for companies 5630 SEK invoiced with VAT or 4500 SEK reverse charged).

We offer free coffee, tea and cookies. Bring your own lunch.

!!! Bring your own painting material that you want to use. We have easels, tables and chairs for you.

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Find the course place

Rönneboda Gård 2, Älmhult, Sweden.

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